1 Parser Combinators and Interpreting a PL
I propose we extend the functional programming course with a module covering parser combinators, together with an assignment that covers some basics ideas behind interpreting a programming language (e.g. using an environment state) for the student to put them into practice.
1.1 Motivation
A Parser
(as defined in parsec
) is an abstract data type that forms a Monad,
and monadic parser combinators useful functions that work in terms of Parser
After learning about Monads and common instances such as
, Reader
, State
, the student should be able to work with the
abstractions provided by the Monad type class even without knowing about its
Parser combinators would showcase functional parsers, the use of monads to structure functional programs, and the use of special syntax for monadic programs in Haskell.
Parser combinators are also very commonly used in pratice (in different
flavours, e.g. attoparsec
for speed, megaparsec
balanced with better error
messages), be it for processing some standard message format such as JSON
for implementing a client requested DLS.
The student would then reinforce their understanding of monads and practice using them with this new monadic type, would hopefully develop their interest towards functional programming – using parser combinators almost feels like magic (when it’s really a clever instance of Monad, and the syntatic sugar Haskell provides for Monadic programming) – and put this knowledge to good use in a real project they might be curious about which is “implementing a small programming language”.
Regarding the said assignment on “implementing a small programming language”, I’d like to note how Haskell is a best-in-class language to implement programming languages. I think that by going over parser combinators we unlock the possibilty of writing a simple interpreted language. I believe many students would have interest in doing so, and would be pleasantly surprised by the simplicity of doing so in Haskell.
For this assignment we’d model our language as a data type in haskell, write a parser for it and an interpreter for it. Additionally we can hint at the necessity of an environment to keep track of variables (and students could put again into practice the state monad (or perhaps writing a custom one)!)
I think it’d boil down to
data Expr = Var String
| Num Int
| Bool Bool
| String String
| Add Expr Expr
| Mult Expr Expr
| Equals Expr Expr
| IfThenElse Expr [Expr] [Expr]
| For Expr [Expr] ?
| Assignment String Expr ?
| Print Expr ?
type Program = [Expr]
type Environment = [(String, Expr)]
-- >>> parse "var x = 1; print (x + 2)"
-- [Assignment "x" (Num 1), Print (Add (Var "x") (Num 2))]
parse :: String -> Program
= undefined
-- >>> eval [Assignment "x" (Num 1), Print (Add (Var "x") (Num 2))] []
-- Right (["2"], [("x", Num 1)])
eval :: Program -> Environment -> Either Error ([String] {- list of strings to print -}, Environment) -- evaluation might fail with an error
= undefined eval
1.2 Examples
If we use the megaparsec
library, parsing a simple imperative language such as
= 1;
var x
if (x == 1) { var x = x * 3; } else { var x = x * 2; };
print x;
Could look something like
assignment :: Parser Expr
= do
assignment "var"
reservedWord <- identifier
name "="
symbol <- expr
val ";"
symbol return (Assignment name val)
ifThenElse :: Parser Expr
= do
ifThenElse "if"
reservedWord "("
symbol <- expr
cond ")"
symbol "{"
symbol <- many expr
thens "}"
symbol "else"
reservedWord "{"
symbol <- many expr
elses "}"
symbol ";"
symbol return (IfThenElse cond thens elses)
printP :: Parser Expr
= do
printP "print"
reservedWord <- expr
e ";"
symbol return (Print e)
expr :: Parser Expr
= ifThenElse <|> assignment <|> printP expr
1.3 Costs and Drawbacks
I think the simple programming language idea is a fun and motivating example, and think this simple one is quite feasible, however when conferring with Haskell professors in the #haskell IRC channel, they said using parser combinators I could instead just have the students write a JSON parser, which would be simpler
That is, the drawback could be the parser combinators + programming language being too difficult.
Also, perhaps it would be more interesting to show case a lower-level use of
parser combinators, with more space
, many
, many1
, char
, satisfy
1.4 Alternatives
We could use parser combinators for a range of other things. As mentioned above, we could write a JSON parser.
Perhaps we could bring more into light with parser combinators, for example the
instance of Parser
We could focus on the implementation of the parser combinators and the instance of the Monad type class.
1.5 Unresolved Questions
Should we use a parsing library or define parser combinators by hand? Which
parsing library should we use? I would say parsec
or megaparsec
Which assignment would be best/most interesting?
1.6 Endorsements
The idea of parser combinators was supported by more than one university professor from the #haskell IRC channel (I believe they mentioned they also go over them with their students).