Haskell 101 Lecture Notes

May 4, 2022

Lecture notes from an introductory class on Haskell

1 Functions, Computations: Abstraction and application

What is a function? f(x) = 4x + 2? And what’s function application?

f(x) = 4x + 2
f(5) = ?

In mathematics, function application is the act of applying a function to an argument from its domain so as to obtain the corresponding value from its range. In this sense, function application can be thought of as the opposite of function abstraction.

In functional programming languages, computations are based on function abstraction and application. An abstraction, a.k.a a function, is denoted through the lambda notation (\x -> ...). An application, a.k.a function application, is denoted by juxtaposition: an expression followed by another expression represents the application of the first expression to the following one.

f = \x -> 4 * x + 2 -- `f` is an abstraction

f 5 -- application of `f` to `5`

2 Expressions, Values, Types

Haskell is a purely functional programming language. As such, all computations are done via the evaluation of expressions (syntactic terms) to yield values (abstract entities that we regard as answers). Every value has an associated type (intuitively, we can think of types as sets of values).

5 :: Integer
'a' :: Char
inc :: Integer -> Integer
[1,2,3] :: [Integer]
('b', 4) :: (Char, Int)
sum [1,2,3] :: Integer
inc 5 :: Integer
sum :: [Integer] -> Integer

The :: can be read “has type”. All expression evaluate to a value, and all values have types, which means all expressions have types too. Above are some of the common types.

Which of the following are expressions, and which are values? What are the types of the expressions?

product [1,2,3]

They are all expressions, and only the first two are values. The first one is a function abstraction, which is a value, the second one is a value constructed with the data constructors of List, but the third one, however, is a function application (product applied to [1,2,3]) which evaluates to a value.

Load up ghci and input :type <exp> to query the type of an expression.

3 ADTs, Construction, Deconstruction

Algebraic data types (ADTs) allow us to define our own types and values.

To create a new type called Point, we define a new value MkPoint that has type Int -> Int -> Point. This function can be used to create values of type Point. It takes two arguments of type Int, which means MkPoint 1 2 (MkPoint applied to 1 and 2) has type Point.

      +--- type constructor
data Point = MkPoint Int Int
                +--- data constructor

N.B. A type constructor with 0 arguments is also called simply type

We can define types with more data constructors, which might take 0 to N arguments.

data Shape = Square Int Int Int Int
           | Triangle Int Int Int
           | Line Int Int
           | Point

Which are the type constructors? What are the data constructors? Write 2 different expressions with type Shape.

There are two dual concepts related to ADTs: construction and deconstruction

We’ve already seen that we can construct values of our defined type with the data constructor. The deconstruction of an ADT is done through pattern matching.

Pattern matching is done by specifying the expression to deconstruct together with the patterns that might match the ADT “form”.

shape1 :: Shape
shape1 = undefined

            +------ expression to deconstruct
aNumber =   v
    case shape1 of
        Square a b c d -> a + b + c + d
        Triangle a 0 c -> a + c
                +---------------- pattern
        Line 5 5 -> 5 ^ 5
        a -> 0

What would be the value of aNumber if shape1 = Triangle 22 0 1 ? And shape1 = Point? And shape1 = Triangle 1 1 1? And shape1 = Line 5 5? And shape1 = Line 1 2?

What is the type of aNumber?

N.B. Constructors are really just a special kind of function (the distinguishing feature being that they can be used in pattern matching, and that when data constructors are given arguments they construct values)

4 Polymorphism

Polymorphic types are universally quantified in some way over all types.

length         :: [a] -> Integer
length []      =  0
length (x:xs)  =  1 + length xs

This function works for lists of any type, be it lists of Int, Char, Shape, etc.

This example wouldn’t work: e.g. if a was Char, it would mean x had type Char, which could not be added to the result of applying sum to xs (sum xs :: Integer)

sum            :: [a] -> Integer
sum []         =  0
sum (x:xs)     =  x + sum xs

This kind of completely generic polymorphism is called parametric polymorphism.

5 Non-nullary type constructors, Kinds

When defining new types, I mentioned the name right next to the data keyword was called a type constructor, also called just type when the amount of arguments was null.

If the amount of arguments is > 0, the definition looks like this

data Box a = MkBox a
data DoubleBox a b = MkDoubleBox a b

Where a and b are type variables. Expressions can never have a type Box, they instead can have type Box Int, Box Char, or even be polymorphic as in Box a for all as.

As we know, the type system detects typing errors in expressions. But what about errors due to malformed type expressions? The expression (+) 1 2 3 results in a type error since (+) takes only two arguments. Similarly, the type Tree Int Int should produce some sort of an error since the Tree type takes only a single argument. So, how does Haskell detect malformed type expressions? The answer is a second type system which ensures the correctness of types! Each type has an associated kind which ensures that the type is used correctly.

The same way all expressions have types, all types, type constructors, and in general type expressions have kinds (kinds are the types of types).

All simple types have the kind Type, for example

type Int :: Type
type Char :: Type
type Float :: Type

Where type Int :: Type means type Int has kind Type

Type constructors, however, take types as arguments and only then are considered types themselves. In our example, Box isn’t a valid type, while Box Int is. With kinds, this is easily explained. The type constructor Box actually has kind Type -> Type, meaning it takes a type (Type) as an argument to become a type as well (Type).

What’s the kind of DoubleBox?

type Box :: Type -> Type
type DoubleBox :: ?

Try this out in ghci by inputting :kind <type> to query the type of a type.

To watch on kinds: An introduction to Haskell’s kinds